- Certified Gun Saftey Instructor’s time
- Venue location
- Ammunition
- Other expenses
In today’s deeply divided political climate, it’s not unusual to find ourselves in conversations with people who seem to have completely divergent ideas to what America should be like.
The gun control debate is one of the most polarizing of these topics. The venom and lies surrounding gun ownership can make discussion nearly impossible. The media, who emphasize and sensationalize isolated incidents, further propagates a misunderstanding of the facts surrounding the purchase and use of firearms. When the founding fathers wrote our constitution, their intention was to protect the citizens of the United States, and all future citizens, from the atrocities they knew governments could commit.
In the summer of 2023, University of Arizona students participated in a hands-on experience at a nearby gun range, where they were instructed in the use of handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Despite many being first-time shooters, the event left participants feeling more confident, potentially dispelling any misconceptions generated by left-wing news media hysteria.
IWT will be partnering with College Republicans United and other campus conservatives to host future range day training events.
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